Dive Number: 305 09/05/12 17.34, Victoria Towers Wreck
Wind: ???
Tide: ???
Visibilty: -m
Water Temp: 16c
Bottom Time: 80minutes
Max Depth: 7.9m
Air usage:
SAC: ???? litres/min
Details: Ok, i can see this wreck turning into a compulsion for me. The weather was bleak and overcast, but regardless i wanted to explore this wreck further and try to get some pics. After 10minutes or so i was onto the wreck and it gave me plenty of time to poke around. It really is a massive wreck and there’s plenty of holes in the hull, an impressive bow, and other odds and sods to explore. A bit of rigging was nice find. It was sad to find a draughtboard shark with a fishhook in its mouth and the attached line snagged amongst some weed. Unfortunately i made the mistake of untangling the line before taking the hook out, and it swam off dragging a heavy sinker behind it.
Camera Details: Tokina 10-17mm , SS200 Strobes