

Dive Number: 338 02/08/12 14.23, Eastern View

Wind: ???

Tide: ???

Conditions: Surgey with lots of sand in the water

Visibilty: 6m

Water Temp: 12.0c

Bottom Time: 55minutes

Max Depth: 5.0m

Air usage:

SAC: ???? litres/min

Details: We decided the second dive would be on the unusual Eastern View reef..a diagonal prominatory out into the middle of an ebayment. The vis was quite bad in the shallows and the surf stirs up the sand in the area. Further out though the scattered boulder reef turns into amazing crayweed forest that controls a bit of the surge movement..though not much. Its a wild feeling dive out here..very sharky, but exhilarating!

Camera Details: Tokina 10-17mm , SS200 Strobes




Dive Number: 245 03/01/12 17.46, Eastern View

Wind: ???

Tide: ???

Conditions: Rolling swell and surfers out, yet looking clear and diveable still..getting dark.

Visibilty: 10m+

Water Temp: 19.6c

Bottom Time: 20minutes

Max Depth: 4.3m

Air usage: 170bar/2500psi

SAC: ???? litres/min

Details: It was such a great day that i continued down the coast, yet it was getting dark and i only had about 35bar left. To the sane…not enough for a dive..let alone in unknown area on the rugged coastline of the great ocean road. But my new tablet and mapping software showed a reef running diagonally out from shore and i just had to check it out while conditions were flat. The reef turned out to be a series of rounded boulders with lots of fishlife darting around. A pity i only had a small amount of air left. I hope to get out here another day.

Camera Details: Tokina 10-17mm , SS400/SS200 Strobes
