

Dive Number: 350 09/09/12 13.22, South Channel Fort

Wind: Light

Tide: Slack

Conditions: Nice Day

Visibilty: 7m

Water Temp: 11.6c

Bottom Time: 41minutes

Max Depth: 11.9m

Air usage:

SAC: ???? litres/min

Details: We decided to do the second dive at Shortlands Bluff and on arrival the streams had stopped. We jumped in and circumnavigated the small island, exploring old jetty pylons on the other side of the island. About 3/4 around, the flood kicked in and it was a matter of clinging to the rocks and dragging ourselves back to the boat. Chris had a better idea and climbed up the rocks and walked it. I was still tsting my split fins to see how they perform in strong current! ;) They passed…good swimmers, but not the best for stability for photography. Believe it or not, this was a rare dive that i didn’t take my camera.

Camera Details: None




Dive Number: 208 05/11/11 12.42, Chinamans Hat – Seals

Wind: 5-10knot south easterlies??

Tide: Must have been current??

Conditions: Picture perfect day on the bay. Light winds, blue sky, great vis.

Visibilty: 10m

Water Temp: 16.0c

Bottom Time: 49minutes

Max Depth: 15.3m

Air usage: 70bar/1000psi

SAC: ???? litres/min

Details: After playing with the seals at Chinamans Hat, we swung past South Channel Fort. Lots of people around, and the water was clear with no current. Had a great little dive and was suprised to get to 15m here. There seemed to be sometype of Globefish party going on here…at least 50 all hovering around the pylons together.

Camera Details: Tokina 10-17mm , SS400/SS200 Strobes
