

Dive Number: 178  07/08/11  14.35,  Old Keppel Underwater Observatory

Wind:   10 north-easterlies???

Tide:  ???


Visibilty:   15m.

Water Temp: 18c

Bottom Time: 50minutes

Max Depth: 7m

Air usage: 200bar/3000psi

SAC: ???? litres/min

Details:  On the way back to the mainland, we stopped off at an old decomissoned underwater observatory. It had resident large rock cod that use to be fed and have subsequently stuck around. It was fairly shallow dive, and a lot of sediment in the water being close to a sand island, so vis wasn’t the best, but it had good fish life, with a lots of larger fish. I didn’t nail any shots of the rock cod though, they just weren’t cooperative, similar to these two strobes i was using that i’d borrowed for travel, and rigged up to fire optically (fairly unsuccessfully). It was a nice dive for photography though, like a shallow water wreck with some good subjects.

Camera Details:  Tokina  10-17mm ,  Inon 2000 + Sea and Sea Ys-120 Strobe (fired optically with difficulties)
