Dive Number: 176 07/08/11 12.35, Child Island
Wind: 10 north-easterlies???
Tide: ???
Visibilty: 15m.
Water Temp: 18c
Bottom Time: 40minutes
Max Depth: 23m
Air usage: 140bar/2000psi
SAC: ???? litres/min
Details: After the first dive, we swum over a waterproof case to Barren Island and scrambled into a small little grotto known as “One Bum Beach”. Dave had a small little cooker and snags that he cooked up for lunch, with tim tams for sweets. The other guys had a catnap on the beach and Dave took me over the ridge to show me a little spot where you could jump off the cliffs into an ocean gully, and then swim up into the island. Great fun. Getting back out was the tricky bit, requiring good timing between swell, and then scrambling over the oyster covered rocks. After we got back to the boat, we headed off to the second dive site, Child Island, which was a small island just off Barren Island, so not far to travel. This was a deeper dive and much more interesting, with whip coral, a lemon shark, some big rock cods and sea trout. A bit of a suprise when we surfaced to find the boat wasn’t there! The anchor had come loose, but luckily some fisherman where nearby to give dave a lift to go get it. We waiting, bobbing up and down with the story of the local 5m Tiger Shark fresh in our minds ;)
Camera Details: Tokina 10-17mm , Inon 2000 + Sea and Sea Ys-120 Strobe (fired optically with difficulties)