Dive Number: 188 15/08/11 12.08, Woody Island, Hervey Bay
Wind: 10 north-easterlies???
Tide: ???
Visibilty: 15m.
Water Temp: 18c
Bottom Time: 37minutes
Max Depth: 14m
Air usage: 200bar/3000psi
SAC: ???? litres/min
Details: My last dive for my AOW – a Navigation dive. This just involved traversing a square and attempting to return to the starting point. A diagonal current made it a bit more difficult to calculate my kicks and distance, but i managed to adjust and got it spot on. Some nice coral in this shallow area, but not much fish life.
Camera Details: Tokina 10-17mm , Inon 2000 + Sea and Sea Ys-120 Strobe (fired optically with difficulties)