Wind: 15-20 knot north-westerlies
Tide: 1hr after 0.19 low tide at the heads
Bottom Time: 2hrs
Details: I got up early to catch the low tide, since the day wasn’t looking promising for scuba. Nudibranch expert Bob Burn was down there searching away, and we discussed the low numbers of nudibranch over the past 6 months. He was having a quiet day again today with only about 6 species seen all up. I ended up seeing about 10 species in the pools which is a significant increase than over the summer months, so i’m hoping this winter will turn on the numbers.
Camera Details: Canon 100mm , dual SS200 strobe.
Dive Report: It started slow with a couple of the usual species. Digidentis perplexa were in good number, although all very small specimens.
Phyllodesmium serratum are still around…i saw probably at least 4 of these.
The first slug showed up that i had to ask Bob Burn for an ID. He said it was a “Paliolla cooki”. A new slug for me.
This little critter is a bivalve.
Another tiny little fella with a great shell. Cyctiscus obesula
A brittlestar:
Ercolania Sp4:
An unknown nudi:
Discodoris sp:
Embletonia gracilis: