Dive Number: 31 26/04/2010 13.53 Cottage by the Sea
Wind: 15 knot westerlies
Tide: 1/2 hr before 0.65 low tide at the heads
Conditions: Conditions looked pretty good from the shore, but they were atrocious in. Very milky water making horrible visibility, and a surge that made for dangerous diving.
Bottom Type: Reef and overhangs on sand base
Visibilty: 3m
Water Temp: 17c
Bottom Time: 29 minutes
Max Depth: 8.1m
Air usage: 50bar/750psi
SAC: 11.6 litres/min
Details: There was a small shore break on entry but nothing too large, however the surge was fairly strong. On my way out i got pushed over the shallow reefs and at one stage had my belly scrapping against the top of the reef. I soon realised when my weight belt was hanging around my crotch strap that scrapping the top of the reef was enough to force my weight belt buckle open. With my weight belt twisted around my crotch strap i figured the easiest way to get it back on would be to descend and fix it on the ocean floor rather than trying to get it around my waist at the surface. It worked out well and i soon had it on and was on my way out. I thought the surge might drop off deeper out, but it continued to be the strongest i’ve experienced at cottage. Vis was atrocious as well, so i decided to call the dive and head to St Leonards which is protected from westerlies. So much for my thoery that cottage should be divable on westerlies!
Camera Details: Canon 17-40mm , dual SS200 strobe.
Dive Report: I only took one pic…you can see how cloudy the water is: