

Dive Number: 158  07/05/11  11.27,  Beach 10B to Shortlands Bluff

Wind:   ???

Tide:  0.5hrs  after flood slack – 7knot streams peaking at 3pm!!!

Conditions:   Strong East to West current as the bay flooded.

Visibilty:   4m

Water Temp: 14c

Bottom Time: 43minutes

Max Depth: 5.9m

Air usage: 105bar/1500psi

SAC: ???? litres/min

Details:    I wanted to visit Friendly bommie again.  I knew flood wasn’t the time, and to make matters worse, i’d missed slack. Anyway, I  thought i’d give it a go just to see just how the area behaves around flood.   After getting in up to my waist i considered calling off the dive as the current was just too strong, but i thought i’d use it too my advantage and do a drift to cover the area between 10B and Shortlands bluff.  I stayed relatively close to shore because the current was running strongly out to the centre of the bay, and i knew it would be difficult getting back in if i went too far out.  I played it conservatively and scrambled my way along the bottom, finding another old “geelong aerated water” bottle from 1919 in immaculate condition.  I kicked my way towards shore as the current pushed me out so i maintained a nice safe distance to shore. In no time i was approaching Shortlands Bluff and the currents started getting really intense.  I had to grab onto the reef and wrench my way towards shore, since swimming against the current was not an option. I got out at the “Danger: Strong Currents” sign, that really held true today.    A nice long walk back to the car  used all the the energy i saved on the drift. Crazy dive….but exciting and nice to experience what flood was all about.  I only reliased after the dive that peak streams reached 7.oknots!!! Thats pretty much as fast as you’ll get.         

Camera Details: Tokina 10-17mm , dual SS200 strobes

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