Dive Number: 153 18/04/11 16.25, Cottage by the Sea
Wind: 15 knot N’s
Tide: 1hr before 0.65 low tide at the Heads.
Conditions: A heavily overcast day with smoke haze due to burnoffs. Slight current running but generally good conditions.
Visibilty: 8m
Water Temp: 17c
Bottom Time: 60minutes
Max Depth: 5.2m
Air usage: 105bar/1500psi
SAC: ???? litres/min
Details: I headed straight out from the stairs, and quickly came across a cuttlefish blending into some weed on the bottom. I descended and spent about 20mins with it. It started to get a bit too use to my presence, and started tasting my computer that was dragging along the bottom. It was like a kitten with a ball of string, and i started tempting it by moving away slowly and letting it pounce on the computer. I created a monster and couldn’t go anywhere without it chasing after me. I eventually had to out swim in to escape it, and headed for some overhangs.
Camera Details: Tokina 10-17mm , dual SS200 strobes
Dive Report: