

Dive Number: 343 19/08/12 ??.??, Blairgowrie Pier

Wind: ???

Tide: ???

Conditions: ???

Visibilty: 10m

Water Temp: 10.8c

Bottom Time: 86minutes

Max Depth: 5.0m

Air usage:

SAC: ???? litres/min


Camera Details: Canon 60mm , SS200 Strobe

Photos: I’ve been reading up on the muck dive sites of south east asia, and its been inspiring me to reconsider all port phillip bay’s muck sites. Blairgowrie is becoming renowned as a worldclass muck dive, and on a good day you can really see why. Todays dive produced a couple of tassled anglers, a velvet fish, pygmy squid, and the usual handful of nudi species. A big smooth ray was also patrolling the area, When you think of all the critters that can be seen here that are on many divers wish-list, it really deserves it reputation.