Dive Number: 205 26/10/11 18.12, Steeles Rocks, Portarlington
Wind: 15knot aouth-easterlies
Tide: High Tide at Geelong
Conditions: Water was very dirty.
Visibilty: 1-2m
Water Temp: 16c
Bottom Time: 84minutes
Max Depth: 3.7m
Air usage: 70bar/1000psi
SAC: ???? litres/min
Details: The water clarity was aweful, (which is really the norm at this site) but this was pretty bad. I found a cuttle under one of the ledges that looked like it was on it last legs/”tenticles”. It seemed to be panting for air and just laying there otherwise motionless. It felt wrong taking photos of it so i moved on pretty quickly. The vis made it hard to find any decent subjects, i photographed some sponge structures and saw a school of salmon. I was suprised to feel movement under my elbow, as was the stargazer that was under it. It raised itself from it buried position in the sand and stayed fully visible for a minute or so letting me get a phew snaps, then quickly took off after coming out of its stunned state.
Camera Details: Canon 60mm , SS200 Strobe