

Dive Number: 161  04/06/11  10.34, St Leonards Pier 

Wind:   20knot South-Westerlies

Tide:  0.5hr before 0.22 low tide  at Geelong

Conditions:    Cold, bleak, and crappy vis.

Visibilty:   4m

Water Temp: 12c

Bottom Time: 45minutes

Max Depth: 3.4m

Air usage: 35bar/500psi

SAC: ???? litres/min

Details:   A dive just to use up a low tank. The conditions weren’t inspiring,  so i chucked on the macro lens which hasn’t had a run for a while. Best find was a Spiny Gurnard flashing its blue line butterfly wings around. Just like  a butterly, it wouldn’t sit still very long for a photo.     

Camera Details: Canon  100mm , single SS200 strobe.

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