

Dive Number: 128 23/01/11  16.10 , St Leonards Pier

Wind:   10-15 knot S’s.

Tide:  2.5hrs before 0.93 high tide at geelong.

Conditions:  Fine sunny day, with people everywhere, and divers everywhere…all kicking up sand into the water, sometimes leaving zero vis.

Visibilty: 1-3m

Water Temp: 22c

Bottom Time: 114 minutes

Max Depth: 3.9m

Air usage: 105bar/1500psi

SAC: ???? litres/min

Details:     Visibility was awful, and although i suspected as much and put my macro lens on in anticipation, it  wasn’t real fun diving. I headed out the back were i thought i might be a bit clearer and played around with a snoot. Not a great deal of postable photos from this dive.  I think i was a bit optomistic trying to do 1:1 macro of mysid shrimps with a snoot on my strobe.  

Camera Details: Canon 100mm , dual SS200 strobes and snoot.

Dive Report:

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