

Dive Number: 65 17/07/2010 09.35 Edithburgh Pool to Jetty

Wind: 10-15 knot NE’s

Tide: 2.5hr after 1.91 high tide at Port Giles

Conditions: A very ordinary day, raining and overcast and the sea wasn’t exactly calm with slightly onshore winds.

Bottom Type: Rocky reef with some ledges, until reaching jetty. Then sandy bottom scattered with old wooden jetty pylons covered in sponges. Pylons themselves were also heavily covered in ascidians, sponge and marine life.

Visibilty: 3-4m Visibility was really bad in the shallows until i got in deeper water around the jetty.

Water Temp: 12c

Bottom Time: 67 minutes

Max Depth: 7.6m

Air usage: 105bar/1500psi

SAC: ???? litres/min

Details: This was my last dive on the Yorke, since i had to drop back the tank to the dive shop who were holding a class at 11am. I decided to enter at the Edithburgh Tidal pool and work my way up to the Jetty in a last ditch attempt to find a Leafy Seadragon. Vis was aweful and an didn’t see a lot around the ledges. I pretty much v-lined it straight the jetty.

Camera Details: Canon 17-40mm , single SS200 strobe

Dive Report: I entered at the Tidal Pool and it was pretty rough entry with waves lapping up against the concrete walls. I got out into some deeper water and dropped into about 5m and followed a reef along. there was very little around and i didn’t take a photo before reaching the jetty. Along the edge of the jetty, it gets to its deepest (7-8m)and there were a lot of spider crabs along this deeper section. and clinging to the outer edge of the pylons.

I headed out to the back of the jetty, were the most fish are. Mainly Moonlighters, sweep and zebrafish.

Some general shots of the pylons and growth.

A clutser of fanworms:

A dusky morwong:

This boxfish didn’t seem to mind being photographed.

A dance with a crab before exiting: