

03-03-2010 Point Lonsdale – 1.5hr before 0.34 low tide

A quick snorkel at dusk tonight produced only one nudi. I’m hoping that blogging some of this information might lead to a trend i can work out when there’s a high number of nudi’s around. Anyway, i turned my focus to fish, since there’s always plenty around at dusk. Especially these zebrafish…too big for a macro lens really.

Also a number of these smaller wrasse, always laying low in the weed:

I thought i’d try a bit of a collage of two sweep shots to see how it looked:

One of the most fascianting little fish i keep seeing, is whats suppose to be juvenile herring cales. I’m still not 100% convinced, but it seems likely they are. They move quickly and blend in perfectly to the erclonia kelp, making them tricky to get shots of.

Here’s another shot showing how the markings compliment the blemishes on the weed perfectly.

And another showing more mature markings.

Thornfish dont provide much of a challenge, they just sit and stare.

And a cleaner shrimp..uneaten this time:

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